You probably haven’t had this conversation

Let me help get the conversation going. What conversation? If you’re like almost 80% of the residents of my home state of Wisconsin, you haven’t completed an advance directive documenting your preferences about issues surrounding health care decisions.

I recently read that due to accidents or illness, three out of four people will be unable to make some or all of their medical decision at the end of life.

And the disability numbers don’t get much better. According to the Council for Disability Awareness, one out of four 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire.

·        How will decisions be made on your behalf?

·        Will the decisions be made that agree with your values and beliefs?

If you haven’t named someone in a health care power of attorney document and you become incapacitated or incompetent, then it’s likely that a court proceeding will be needed to appoint a medical decision maker for you. However, if you have the conversations and make the decisions for advance care planning, the court process could be avoided.

Having the end of life discussion is also an important step in your financial strategy. This is a topic we discuss when meeting with our clients. Having the right things in place not only protects your life but your wealth. Consulting with an attorney that can help with your Will or Trust is a step you’ll want to take. To get started with your own conversations, let me send you this free guide.

This planning guide provides practical insights on a range of issues surrounding health care decisions. Information includes:

•      Power of Attorney for health care

•      Living wills

•      Organ & tissue donation

•      It also includes Wisconsin state forms to help put your wishes in writing